Barnwood Park and Arboretum


The habitat in the Park and Arboretum attracts a wide and interesting range of butterflies.

On 23rd July 2024 the Big Butterfly Count organised by Butterfly Conservation took part in the Arboretum. We were fortunate to have four volunteers from Butterfly Conservation locally to run the day for us.

28 adults and 19 children took part spending just 15 minutes counting the butterflies they saw. They were aided by charts to help them identify the butterflies they saw. The results were then collated and submitted to the annual survey. 

In addition, craft activities and face painting on the theme of butterflies were organised to interest the children who took part.

The most recorded butterflies in order were

  1. Gatekeeper
  2. Speckled Wood
  3. Meadow Brown
  4. Small White
  5. Ringlet
  6. Green-veined White

The full list in alphabetical order is-

Comma, Holly Blue, Gatekeeper, Green Veined White, Large Skipper, Large White, Meadow Brown, Painted Lady, Peacock, Ringlet, Silver Y-Moth, Six-spot Burnet Moth, Small Copper, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White, Speckled Wood


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